Devaka Perera | Artist & Designer

Back To The Drawing Board

The biggest motivation for launching my own website, was the decision to dedicate a few hours every week, to getting back to illustration. Featured below, are 3 sample of my past work, outlining the process from pencil & paper, to the cleanup & streamlining process on pc/tablet.


Manga-me, when making cartoon version of yourself using a variety of mobile apps, were all the rage! I took the long way around, to practice!


Alfonso the Curry-Chef, a much-loved mascot of the Currymuch shop in Colombo, which served a variety of rice & curry combinations. Dreamed up by Andre Estefan, I used to love drawing this character in different poses/situations!


A collection of jokes, jokebook, created & published by Shantilal Wijesundere. I was asked to make it “very British”. I managed to achieve the look the author wanted, by looking through my old collection of Beano & Dandy comics! 

See more of my illustrations, as I upload them to my portfolio!